
Sunday, April 24, 2011


Director : William Monahan (pernah menulis utk screnplay -The Departed(2006), Kingdom of Heaven (2005)

Pelakon: Colin Farrell (Mitchell), Keira Knightley (Charlotte), David Thewlis (Jordan), Ray Winston (Mr. Grant)
Mitchell baru saja keluar dari prison Pentonville selepas dipenjara selama tiga tahun. Dia telah disambut oleh rakan lama jenayahnya, Billy (Ben Chaplin) dan dia mahu menjalani kehidupan normal dan mencari kerja. Dia mendapat tawaran lumayan drp seorang leading figure of London underworld, kira macam ketua gangster Londonlah, Mr. Grant (Ray Winston) tetapi dia menolak.

Dalam masa yang sama, dia mendapat tawaran bekerja sbg handyman( pekerja ringan) di kediaman seorang pelakon Charlotte(Keira Knightly) yang mana rumahnya menjadi tumpuan paparazzi...Mitchell turut membantu Billy untuk memungut hutang, kira along la gak tetapi tak gemar bersikap ganas. Mitchell seboleh2 mengelak untuk join semula kehidupan gangster sehinggakan Mr Grant mula membunuh seorang demi seorang semua orang yang ada kaitan dengan Mitchell termasuk kakaknya...Itu yang membuatkan Mitchell terus membalas dendam. Dia juga akhirnya jatuh hati dengan Keira Knightley, dan bercadang hidup keluar negara bersama-sama. namun dihujung kisah ini, berlaku antiklimaks yang sangat dibenci penonton hahahahaha....walauapapun Collin Farrell telah menunjukkan persembahan hebat, mmg sesuai sbg ahli gangster yg berkarisma... di samping seorang lagi otai aktor iaitu, David Thewlis (popular dlm Harry Potter) yang melakonkan watak rakan Keira Nightly yang hippies....Bila tgk cite nh rsa gua mcm nk jd gangster gak hua3....cuma gangster dlm blog jer rrrr

Keseluruhan movie ini, 3/5........dan runut/soundtrack utk movie ini diambil drp. lagu2 rock n roll yang lebih britpop ala ala The Oasis spt drp. Kasabian (Club Foot, Underdog, The Green Fairy), The Yardbirds - Heart Full Of Soul, The Clash (London Calling),The Rolling Stones (Stray Cat Blues

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Pakatan Rakyat berjaya menembusi di Sarawak, dengan menggandakan bilangan wakil rakyatnya di Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) dan berjaya melumpuhkan parti parti komponen kedua terbesar BN Sarawak, Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sarawak (SUPP). Penolakan rakyat terhadap BN jelas berlaku di kawasan bandar di mana SUPP tumpas teruk, manakala presidennya sendiri, Tan Sri George Chan gagal mempertahankan kerusi Piasau, yang sudah sekian lama diwakilinya. Paling mengejutkan ialah kejayaan calon PKR - seorang muka baru - menewaskan timbalan menteri dari SPDP.

Satu lagi kejutan ialah kemenangan calon Bebas, George Lagong, yang menewaskan calon muka baru PRS, Stanley Nyitar @ Unya Anak Malan dalam pertandingan empat penjuru.

PKR juga mencatat kemenangan simbolik di Ba'Kelalan, di mana pengerusi PKR Sarawak, Baru Bian - walaupun menang tipis dengan majoriti 473 undi - tetapi merupakan kemenangan pertama parti itu di pedalaman Sarawak.

Dan apa yang sudah jelas ialah kemenangan besar DAP yang memenangi 12 daripada 15 kerusi yang ditandinginya. SYABAS RAKYAT SARAWAK KRN MULA BERUBAH! APA TUNGGU LAGI YG DI SINI?



6. Green River

Sometimes, the true originators of a movement are forgotten in the wake of the bands that followed in their trailblazing ways. Such is the case with Green River, best remembered now as the group whose members included future contributors to Pearl Jam. Their mid-‘80s output remains a mystery to most rock fans, but seek out Dry as a Bone/Rehab Doll, which plays like a blueprint of what was to come in the ‘90s.

7. Mother Love Bone

An unhappy undercurrent to the story of the Seattle sound is the amount of artists who died young. Staley’s and Cobain’s deaths are more widely known, but Mother Love Bone’s lead singer, Andrew Wood, suffered a fatal drug overdose in 1990 just as his band seemed headed to prominence. Stardog Champion, also known simply as Mother Love Bone, compiles the group’s catalog on one disc, highlighting Wood’s melancholy spirit that was snuffed out much too early.

8. Temple Of The Dog

A supergroup with a cause, Temple of the Dog united members of Pearl Jam and Soundgarden to pay tribute to their deceased friend Andrew Wood. Their self-titled album contains the expected ruminations on death, but Soundgarden singer Chris Cornell reveals a softer, more romantic side as well, looking to love as a way to help keep grief at bay.

9. Mudhoney

The class clowns of the genre, Mudhoney flaunted a messy looseness that guaranteed they’d never be superstars but did result in a series of playful albums that sounded like they were recorded live in the garage. For the uninitiated, the best place to start is March to Fuzz, a greatest-hits compilation that spans their ‘80s and ‘90s peaks, including their immortal single “Touch Me I’m Sick.”

10. Candlebox

They were roundly chastised for their homogenized grunge aesthetic when they become radio staples on the strength of their self-titled 1993 debut. But while there’s plenty of validity to the claims that the quartet represented the most cynical commercialization of the Seattle scene’s deeply-felt anger and disenchantment, hits like “Far Behind” have become the template for mainstream rock bands looking for a combination of tunefulness and introspection.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Sesiapa yang mahu menimpah banner, brosur, kad bisnes dan apa jua berkaitan grafik boleh tempah dengan gua. Harga sangat2 berpatutan dan boleh dirunding. Grafik gerenti puas hati. Hubungi gua ye untuk sebarang tempahan dan pertanyaan. H/phne : 012 7181340

Contoh Banner:

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Hai, bro!
Terdapat bermacam-macam pilihan t shirt di pasaran bukan? Terpulang pada hati dan selera masing-masing pilihan t shirt mana yang digemari...Gua rasa ada yg minat t shirt dr brand tertentu spt Levi's, Replay, Roxy, Billabong, Hurley, Hollister, Converse, Colus, Alrightok, Faith21, ImDoom, ZircusZircus, Elm Co., Apadana dan melambak lagi....

Walau apapun kesemua t shirt nh pasti melambang jiwa lu semua kan...n material nya pastila cotton spaya serap peluh n tidak panas. Ada yang suka yang unik, ada mesej, sebagai peringatan n ada yg suka custom made( buat/reka sendiri ). Dan t shirt ni sudah tentu terdapat pelbagai saiz samada yg body fit atau free size ataupun S, M, L, XL, XXXL dsbnya...Dari dulu sampai skg t shirt kolar bulat nih dah tentu tak lekang dek hujan dan panas. Semua golongan masih gemar memakainya sebagai pakaian kasual, betul tak bro?


The Innovative Australian Medical Center

In the medical center based on base of the Australian National University in Canberra are based: research laboratories, medical clinics, health care offices, hall for teaching lectures and the world seminars.

Holiday Home Design by Mc Bride Charles Ryan

A holiday home, shaped like an origami Klein Bottle, has won the World’s Best Home award at the prestigious World Architecture Festival Awards (WAF Awards) 2009.

Klein Bottle House, designed by McBride Charles Ryan, Australia celebrates the country’s traditional beach houses whilst remaining a practical and useful 21st century home. This holiday home is situated in heavily treed sand dunes directly behind 16th beach at Rye on the Mornington Peninsula, only two hours from Melbourne. There was in this home to be the sense of arriving at a natural and built environment which was unique and in complete contrast to the owner’s city home.

Klein bottle House complex geometries self-built by the owner-engineer and local craftsmen.



No band did more to vanquish the reign of tacky ‘80s hair metal than this trio. Attacking his insecurities and social awkwardness with sardonic humor, frontman Kurt Cobain made punk palatable to the masses with impossibly catchy radio hooks. Nevermind was the group’s high-water mark, making the case that personal anguish could be the basis for powerful songwriting that reached millions of listeners. And when Nirvana imploded after Cobain's suicide, the group spawned one of contemporary rock's biggest acts: Foo Fighters. N mesti semua tau apa yg terjadi kpd Kurt Cobain kan?


Nirvana’s chart rival perfected an arena-rock variation of grunge, highlighted by singer Eddie Vedder’s booming, empathetic tales of teenage disillusionment and family dysfunction. Ten made their name, but subsequent albums have revealed a group interested in pursuing folk-rock, punk and whatever other genres catch their fancy.


Of the Seattle bands who catapulted to mainstream success, Soundgarden were the most indebted to bygone metal groups like Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin. Chris Cornell had the pinup good looks and majestic pipes, but underrated guitarist Kim Thayil provided the dense thicket of power chords and fiery solos. Superunknown is both their best and bestselling album, the record that made the rest of the competition look positively puny by comparison.


Dark lyrical themes were a hallmark of Seattle bands, but nobody dug as deep as this quartet. Utilizing metal’s grim urgency while forgoing the accessibility of their popular grunge peers, Alice in Chains chronicled the scourge of drug addiction on albums like Dirt. Frontman Layne Staley howled and whaled like a man up to his chin in quicksand, but, sadly, his subject matter wasn’t entirely fictional – he died in 2002 of an overdose.


Grunge was losing popularity by 1996, which might explain why even though this garage-rock unit released its strongest album, Dust, that year, it barely made a ripple. Soon, the band broke up, but they left behind a legacy of gritty rockers that rejected studio polish for raw combustion. Lead singer Mark Lanegan has since moved on to contribute occasional vocals to Queens of the Stone Age.

Tunggu 5 lagi band terhebat dari Seattle k...stay tuned!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Director: Less Hastrom (Hachi:A dog's Tale, 2009) (The Cider House Rules, 1999)
Casts : Channing Tatum (John), Amanda Seyfried (Savvanah Curtis), Richard Jenkins (Mr. Tyree)

Kisah ini sudah tentu tentang percintaan dan melibatkan surat menyurat walaupn di zaman email ni laa...kira romantik conservatif pnya cara laaaa....John seorang yg grunge, panas baran, tetapi romantik tnggal bersama ayahnya yg super perfection dan mempunyai hobi pelik, mengumpul syiling US yang cacat....dan ayahnya juga nerd n klausaphobia...

John juga seorang ranger US (tentera) yang bertugas di luar negara. ketika cuti, beliau telah terjumpa dan jatuh hati dengan pelajar U bernama Savvanah...Sejak itu mereka saling berhubung dan ketika John di luar negara utk bertugas mereka berhubung dgn menggunakan surat..Tu yg datangnya , 'Dear, John..'

Cinta mereka terputus di tangah jalan ( yang tragik nh..sob ...sob) kerana Savvanah terpaksa berkahwin dgn sseorang (ada sebab, tp xpatut gak maaa)...Walauapapun di hujung movie nh ada penghujung yang positif so saksikan sendiri kisah romantik serba serbi dan sediakan tisu gak kot.

Kesuluruhan : 3.5/5........Runut lagu movie nh mmg best.....kira tangkap jiwang gak laaa n bole download


Director : Zack Snyder (Watchmen: 2009), Cast: Emily Browning (Baby Doll),Abby Cornish (Sweet Pea),Jena Malone (Rocket)

Kisah ttg seorg bdk pmpuan (Bby Doll) yg ditahn d sbuah pusat pemulihan dan merancang bersama2 Rocket, Sweat Pea, Blondie n Amber utk melarikan diri dari situ. Bby Doll menggunakan ilusi n mimpinya utk melepasi task/ujian utk mendapatkan brg2 tertentu bagi melepaskan diri...Mcm dlm game yg ada stage2 tertentu..Perlu dapatkan barang2 spt, map, pisau, lighter ....mmg mcm game!

Keseluruhan director Zack Snyder mmg best....mcm cite Watchmen thn 2009 yg penuh dgn grafik cgi gempak, sama gak dlm movie sucker Punch nih...mmg best n penuh details....CGI- 5 stars!! Cite nh penuh aksi menarik, pantas n ada gaya filem Matrix..ada dudge bullet n ada slow motion....mmg nampak real n tidak membosankan....! Girls especially msti rasa teruja tonton movie nh....guys pn samagak sbb ada gak 18sx sikit2 laaa terutamanya costum dia org...pehhhrghhh!!!!

Keseluruhan 4/5 stars! ONE MORE THING.........WATCH DIS MOVIE DUDES N DUDETTES!!!

One of d best entertaining movie this year!


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Ramai yg dah tau n ramai gak yg lum tau so try it k...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hari Kelahiran

Asalamualaikum wbt.

Hari ni hari kelahiran blog hai bro nh....Gua masih blur bercampur ngn rasa cuak, teruja bila blog wa nh lahir..Agak payah juga utk hasilkan blog tp ada hati utk membuat ldp kepada rakan-rakan yg lain, ha ha ha....

Walauapapun gua harap blog nh akan jadi pemangkin gua utk lebih berani menerokai alam siber....'Tak mahu ketinggalan', tu motto gua terkini....Harap2 mmber2 blog lain akan guide gua, terutama utk customise template....add widget dan lain2 lagi......

Kepada pembaca2 lain harap bersabar dengan ruangan ini...Nantikan ssuatu yang baru dari gua....braderjim.....mybe gua masukkan review movie2 yg penah gua tonton n yg bakal gua tonton..cite politik (must be la) n kisah2 perjalanan hidup gua sbg manusia...Kalau ada komen mybe bole muhasabah diri sendiri....Gua open bro.....harap lebih open lagi....Tapi kalau ada yg lebe2 tu, gua hempok kang hahaha....okla...c ya all soon!!!

regards drp gua,